Monday, September 13, 2010

And so it begins...

Two weeks into school and the craziness has already begun. I thought that after a busy summer, things would somewhat slow down and be back to a "normal" routine. Hmp! How foolish of me! My son is in Kindergarten at a new school, and my daughter attends preschool 3 days a week. We just started fall sports and activities again and my head is spinning!

Last week was a killer. My calendar was completely full with activities, meetings and events, both day and night, including a wedding, birthday party and vendor fair. I kept saying, "just wait until Sunday night...just wait 'till Sunday...."

I kept looking forward to this week because I knew that my schedule was lighter.  Yet, somehow, I have already found a way to fill in those little gaps of time with whatever seems to suit my fancy. I should know better. It's inevitable. I cannot sit still for long. I like to get involved. I like to help. I want to be part of something more than my normal day-to-day existence.

Thus, my dilemna of a messy house, a disorganized desk and a frustrated husband who wonders why he doesn't have black socks for work the next morning. Hey, the kids are fed and bathed...doesn't that count?

What I really need is BALANCE. I've been praying for balance and peace for quite a while.  They say you need to be careful for what you ask for....when I ask for balance, I am given a million things to juggle. If I ask for peace, I am given a home filled with chaos. And PATIENCE. That's a big one. When I ask for patience, my day is full of challenges that threaten the very patience I so strongly seek.

So, at this time, I surrender and simply pray. God, you know my prayers. You understand who I am. Help me to learn accept how I should live my day while providing for my family. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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