For some, summer is at it's peak right now, with farmer's markets in full operation, country fairs and carnivals abound and day camps and vacations underway. For others, now is the time families fit in their last getaways and vacations. They are also getting ready for school to start the end of August and pick up the latest gadgets and gear their kids need. Are Sketchers really necessary for a 4 and 5 yr old???? Can't the backpack you used last year be good enough for this year?
Though I'm certainly not ready to say goodbye to summer just yet, I am looking forward to the kids getting back into a routine of school. My son will start his first day of kindergarten August 30th! My daughter will begin her 2nd year of preschool after Labor Day. Halelluah!
This has been a challenging summer so far, keeping the kids active, off the "boob tube" as much as possible, while still adding enriching experiences for all of us. I have to say that my intentions out-weighed my actions and results. The one thing we've really kept up educationally speaking, was the reading program with the library. My children have earned many prizes for "reading" one hour of books a week. Things like pool passes, free kids' meals, free ice cream cone and even tickets to a Bluefish Game (which, btw, we still need to get on our calendar to do! ) My son got a kick out of getting the raffle tickets he got for each hour of reading to enter into a jar for a chance to win a big gift basket. However, picking out books is like pulling teeth with him (actually, I think that's easier).
We did manage to see a few free kids' movies at the local movie theaters, as well as go to the parks or pool a couple times. We strawberry and blueberry picked and had dinner at the town green while listening to "music under the stars". I loved dropping them off to day camps where they got to play and learn something new each day, while I enjoyed that precious 3 1/2 hour alone time. Vacation Bible School at St. Joseph's was teriffic. Not only did I have some time to myself, it was nice that the kids got something out of it, too.
And of course, we cannot forget our true summer time fun, which was camping around the area. We managed to fit in 3 trips so far and will be heading out again tomorrow to Hammonasset Beach. This will be sort of a downsized getaway because there are no amenities, no pool and no activities. However, there is the BEACH and the kids can ride their bikes around the loop. My son has recently learned that riding 2 wheels kicks butt compared to the training wheels he was using on the bike! Before he'd go fast, almost, he almost soars!!! Uh-oh. I'm seeing my childhood life flash before my eyes...cuts& scratches, bloody noses. poor mom. I sure know what she felt like then.
So, as my summer with the kids starts to wane, I will do my best to relish the last moments that make summer memorable: late nights listening to the "peepers", eating ice cream till our bellies explode, digging in some sand between the toes and just being happy that we are all together and healthy.
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