Monday, May 23, 2011

Summer Camps Abound!

If you are like me, you have already planned your summer with activities to fill your children's day. School will be over before we know it and you might feel a bit of panic as you realize your children will be home EVERY day for a little over 2 months!

Take a breath and relax. I've found some great opportunities for families to enjoy the benefits of camp without necessarily breaking the bank. Here are a few places I'd encourage you to check out:

Susanna Wesley School of Shelton is hosting week-long camps for your pre-schooler starting in June and through July. Contact the school at 203-925-1076 for more information.

CT Fitness Pros in Shelton will have kids' camp for three 1-week sessions in the summer: July 11-15, July 25-29, and August 8-12. Open for children ages 4-10. Contact Liza Bailey at or 203-331-6396

Skyhawks offers sports related camps in the Shelton and Monroe areas. Children as young as 3 can join in on the fun. Visit for more information or visit your local community center.

Valley Karate of Shelton is holding two camp sessions in July and August. It is open to ages 5-14 and will be held from 8:30-12:00. Contact Sarah Bergers at 203-924-CHOP.

Youth Elite Soccer will have a soccer camp for children in Shelton mid-August for children from 4 up to 14 years of age. For more information, call 203-455-6910 or visit

Not Here, But Near:

Fun Factor in Middlebury 203-528-0118. An indoor inflatable facility.
The Little Gym of Orange (203) 298-4131. Flexible camp schedule.
Tumble Jungle in Newtown 203-426-1300. Perfect for pre-schoolers!

Other Camp Options:

Your local library has several activities for your children throughout the summer filled with fun and reading all wrapped into one! Kids can sign up for the summer reading program and earn prizes, while enjoying great books. In Shelton, we have two wonderful libraries, Plumb Memorial Library and Huntington Branch Library. Visit to learn more about their summer programs.

Vacation Bible School offers an enriching experience for your children, not to mention a cost effective option for many families. Check your local churches for more information.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Barefoot Books Tour

Barefoot Books Tour

If you are in the Boston area, make sure to visit the Barefoot Books store in Concord MA. There's something for everyone! Their new pottery studio looks great, too!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time to Reflect and Slow Down

This has to be one of my most favorite times of the year. I love that Easter happens in the Spring, which of course, means renewal and rebirth. What a perfect way to celebrate this joyous holiday! The birds have come back from their winter break and the bulbs are sprouting from the ground. This scene is a sight for sore eyes here in the Northeast, given our crazy winter this past year.

I love Easter also because I tend to do more for my Christian soul than I do any other time of year, even Christmas. I try not to get so caught up in all the marketing hoopla and focus on the importance of what this holiday really means to me.

Over the years, I've gained so much more knowledge on what it is to be a Christian. I've actually opened up the bible and and read through the historical accounts that many of us only learn from the movies or t.v. And in the last year, I've learned even more and have actually felt that holy spirit work its wonders. Amazing!

In our society of busy, busy and more busy, I've taken the opportunity this season to take the time to stop, reflect and SLOW DOWN. You can ask anyone I know...I am always on the go, doing something with my kids or participating in some sort of event. I tell myself that I thrive on being busy. But, that busyness does take a toll on you, not only of the body, but of the soul.

So, I decided this lenten season to cut back on my computer time significantly and not go on it past 10 pm. It's been hard at times, and I haven't been perfect with keeping my promise, but I will say I've gained a much better sense of peace. Plus, I found more time to read and do other things I would normally have not done. It's been a wonderful experience. I am even considering keeping this up past lent and make it a continual practice.

So, as the season of lent is ending and Easter is beginning, I hope you see there is more to being busy. It's ok to say no to that birthday party or activity your kid is dying to try. It isn't necessary to fill the calendar to the brim and it's ok to leave some space for other opportunities. Bring back some old fashioned things, like Family Game Night (preferably without technology), and take time for yourself, your family, your mind and your soul.

You'll be pleasantly surprised what you gain from slowing down.

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Big Night Out!!!!

I will be participating in the Trumbull Early Childhood Education Center's PTO fundraising event this Friday, March 25 from 6-10pm.

It's their BIG NIGHT OUT, with catered food, a silent auction, boutique style shopping, etc.

I'll be showcasing my Tastefully Simple products. If you come and stop by my table, you will be entered into a drawing to receive a FREE party on me!

So, if you're looking for something fun to do with your girlfriends, a night out with your spouse or special someone in your life, or just want to join in the fun, this is something you certainly don't want to miss!!!!

I'd love to see some familiar faces. Hope you can make it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring is in the Air, indeed!

What a glorious day it was on the first day of March. Not only did the sun shine all day, but the fact I didn't have to wear a coat here in CT was a blessing in itself. This past winter has been pretty difficult and almost unbearable at times, even for the most seasoned North Easterner. It definitely came in like a lion, if not a whole pack of them!

I love Spring. Not only because I'm a Spring baby, but it's a chance for renewal in so many ways. It allows us to start over and fresh. Spring has a certain smell to it, too. The melting snow gives way to the asphalt that has been buried for many months by ice and snow. The air has a crispness that warms your nostrils when you breathe it in.

I loved today. And it wasn't just the weather. I hosted a playdate with my six-year old son and his two best buddies. They were beyond thrilled. These 3 boys have known each other basically since birth and any chance they get, they want to get together and play. It's not enough they ride the same bus each morning and afternoon together and one of them is in the same class, too. These boys just want to keep the party going, and, heck, if I were them, I would, too! Life is good when you are six!!!

Since the weather was especially nice, it was perfect that I didn't have to keep these kids couped up in the house. They played outside in the driveway, playing with the new radio control cars my son received from Santa this past Christmas. I found some scrap plywood and set up a make-shift ramp...boy, that was the icing on the cake for them. It kicked up their playing level from an 8 to a 10 right away! It was so fun to watch these boys go at it and smash their trucks into each other while attempting the biggest feat in all Tonka Truck history according to them.

In between playing with the cars and trucks, they also shot some hoops with our full-sized basketball net. I even got in on the game with them and they outnumbered me, 3 to 1. It was glorious! I even introduced a new game to them that I played as a child...HORSE. Apparently there are several versions of this game; we played where we marked the court with the letters HORSE around the net and each boy had to make a shot before moving to the next letter. Though they didn't complete the game, most likely due to the fact they are six-year old boys who can't keep still for more than 5 seconds and stay at task, it was a fun time, regardless.

So, even though today was focused on hosting three boys at my house, (by the way, you may wonder where my daughter was...she was at a friend's house for a playdate), it was also a day for me to enjoy some time with my son and his friends. I gave them some guidance, left them alone, then came back to make sure they didn't blow up anything (trust me...I'm sure someday that may happen). I got to see a different side to playing with boys. I'm usually so focused on sticking to rules, keeping safe, being respectful, not fighting with each other, etc., that I miss the opportunities to see how fun and silly boys are at this age! They were burping, crashing trucks, being loud, jumping, and having the time of their life. And I loved every minute of it! I can go as far as saying I felt revived!

Spring is coming, I know I feel it. The weather is changing. It's getting warmer and the sun is shining longer. Spring is a renewal. It's a chance to start fresh and live life for the better. I was renewed a little today with the time I spent with my son and his friends. I was given a chance to be silly and not have a care in the world, even if it was only for 2 hours. I laughed, smiled, and shared.

I was given the best gift of all, and that is the opportunity to enjoy God's gift of today.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day!

It's official! Punxsatawney Phil did NOT see his shadow this morning! Therefore, all of us in New England, and anyone experiencing this unusual snowy weather is thrilled! Of course, by the calendar, Spring is always around the corner at this time...only six weeks until it's officially Spring. Puuleezzze! That's not happening here in CT! We typically don't see the robins bobbing around or bulbs busting out the ground until April.

So, what the question arises, what to do over the next couple months with more than 9 snowdays from school the kids have had in one month? Well, for one, try not to go batty!!!! It's hard, sure, when you have a five and six year old running around, making noise all day long when all you want to do is sit quietly with a cuppa coffee and watch GMA on t.v. But, heck, it's the life here in CT. So, we have to roll with the punches and just accept that staying inside during inclement weather is not such a bad thing...really.

Here are the steps of coping with the winter blues that I've summed up for myself:

1. Embrace this winter weather. It ain't going anywhere, so don't even wish it away. Go outside and make a snowman, build a fort or make a tunnel. You'd be surprised how much fun you'll end up having if you just get out there and be like a kid. You'll exert energy, which of course translates to releasing endorphins...that we know are the good things that make us feel happy!

2. Enjoy your time with the kids. Don't look at it as being stuck with them another day. Take on the perspective that maybe a higher force is saying it's about time you take the time to be with your children and enjoy them. Someday, they will leave your nest and you'll be wishing they never left.

3. Get creative! Being a mom of young children, I've done my share of crafts and games which might qualify me as a professional. Heck, we are! Doing this day after day could get a little monotonous. So, switch it up and get creative! Today, I had the kids make a pet shop in the living room. They set up all their stuffed animals, priced everything, made stations to wash and dry, dress and even vet pet care for those animals that needed to be "healed and mended". It just took a little creativity and the kids then went with it and added their own ideas. Kept them occupied and they learned about cooperation, money, reading/spelling and how things flow.

4. Carve out time for yourself, even when the kids are home. Moms and Dads need their "time out", too. Pop in that video, tell the kids you're going to take some "me time" and go in another room to read that book you've been meaning to finish, or if you're crafty, start sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking. Even if you only take 1/2 hour, you'll be happy you did it, and so will your kids!

5. Catch up with loved ones. We always say, I'll call them when I get home or when I have more time. Yet, that time seems to never happen and we end up procrastinating what we wanted to do. Stop and listen to yourself. If you think of calling that special person, do it NOW! Or at least send that email or better yet, an e-card, to let them know you're thinking about them.

This past month has been a doozy on all of us and I'm sure has gotten many in
a funk they can't seem to escape. I've tried my hardest to not give in to the depressing thoughts of winter and enjoy the aspects that make it so beautiful and special. It's helped me get through a rough month and brought a bit of peace of mind, too.

So, next time you are snow-bound, stuck in a rut, can't get motivated or just frustrated that you can't keep your kids occupied, try and remember that each day is a blessing and to take advantage of your situation, however mundane or restricted it may be. You will be surprised how happy you might feel afterwards.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Big Snow Jan 2011!!!

Our biggest snowfall thus far in 2011 was today. Our town received over almost 2 feet of snow. the snow drifts exceed that. It's beautiful, especially being untouched by snow plows! Luckily, I don't have cabin fever, though being snowbound without a good vehicle to get me out. That's ok...the kids and I are enjoying our leisurely day.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter Birthday Fun

If you are like most moms, you want the best for your child and try hard to plan the perfect birthday party...especially when your little one turns the pivotal age of FIVE!

My daughter is a winter baby, born in early January. So, when it comes to having a birthday party in the home, your choices become somewhat limited...not to mention the thought of having to clean and organize the house for all the guests!

God bless those folks out there who started providing birthday parties OUTSIDE the home, offering a stress-free environment for the parents and a fun-filled time for the kids! I think McDonald's might have been one of the first ones to offer such a venue.

Now, we're in the 2000's and there are birthday party places popping all over the place. And with good reason: time and convenience. Parents nowadays are always pressed for time and are looking for convenient ways to get all that needs to get done in the 48 hours of the weekend. Enter the Ultimate Birthday Experience with XXX (enter name here.

I must admit that I was one of those people who didn't think it was necessary to have a birthday party at one of those places. I thought it was over the top and a bit pretentious. That was of course, BEFORE I became a mother of 2 young children under the age of 6, with one being a winter baby and the other a late fall! I always imagined my children's birthday parties to be at home, just like it was for me, with a few friends and some good ol' birthday cake.

Life takes you on a spin sometimes and until you lived the journey, you never really know what to expect! So, when I found myself stressed and anxious planning my kid's parties and wishing I didn't have it at my house, I explored outside venues. I figured, why not? Everybody I know has done it and they are fun and seem reasonable.

The first party we did like this was for my daughter's 3rd birthday. We held it at The Little Gym in Orange. She had been taking their gymnastics and dance program already and I know she loved it there, so we went for it and hosted her party there. It was teriffic! Kids got all their energies out playing on the equipment and being entertained, while parents were able to watch and enjoy. I didn't have to worry about setting up or cleaning up after...I could actually enjoy the party and socialize with my guests. That's something I find I can't do as well when I've had parties at home.

The second party we had outside the house was at The Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport for my son when he turned 4. It was great and a fun time for everyone. They loved riding the carousel the best. We added to our package and included an "animal encounter", which was informative and neat for the kids. They got to see and touch small animals, like a turtle, and learn a little, too. Everyone had the opportunity after the party to walk around the zoo. Unfortunately, it rained that day, so we were stuck inside the carousel building. but that didn't matter. Kids had fun and parents were pleased.

By far, my most favorite place to have hosted an outside party is at the Devon Duckpin Bowling Alley in Milford. From the beginning, I was welcomed graciously by the owners. The moment we arrived through the front doors, the owner made us feel completely welcome and "at home". He took care of all the details and kept the flow of the party going without me having to be concerned. It shows he cares about his business and ensures that the families are 100% satisfied. One last point...the price is reasonable and you have the luxury of a private party.

I highly recommmend any three of these places to host an "outside your home" party. Each has their own unique offerings and service. The zoo may be the least likely to go to during winter months, but keep in mind they are open all year long. The Little Gym of Orange is great for kids who are ready to burn their pent up energy. Devon Duckpin Bowling is fun for everyone.

So, maybe my dreams of home parties have diminished, I still feel like home at any of these places. I look forward to future parties now and spend my time a little less stressed.