Saturday, March 27, 2010

To Organize or Not...

...that is not even a question! I must begin this organizing quest very soon or I will get lost in all the mess that I've created in our home. I just read an article in last Friday's CT Post about a woman in N.C. who has her own website to help others clean and get organized. Check out Flylady! I've been inspired to try her approach because I'm living in "CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)".

Keep posted on what my progress will be as I delve into the world of organizing my home and hopefully clear up the clutter that is bogging down my life.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, Monday....

Monday...a day where you start your week again. A day to get the kids ready for school, rushing out the door and trying to get all your errands done before the kids come back home. Ahhhh, the life of being a stay-at-home mom.

Well, this particular Monday, I did some of this, but managed to squeeze in some fun time. I usually try to do that everyday, and today was no exception! After dropping off my son to pre-school, my daughter and I went to the bank to make some deposits, then we hit one of our favorite eating spots, Sassafras Diner in Huntington Center. It's a family-owned and run diner that's been around since my husband was a kid. I love it there because it's intimate and the food is GREAT! My kids love it because they make Mickey-Mouse pancakes and serve ice cream! Today's choice? A fresh belgian waffle with strawberries and whipped cream...yumm-ee!!

After that, we just headed back home. At that point, I should have done my much needed chores of laundry, dishes and cleaning, but for some reason, the couch was calling my name. So, while my daughter was watching Franny's Feet on PBS, I took a little cat nap. It was delightful and so worth the time!

Sure, my housework didn't get done. And unfortunately, it's still waiting for me. What else is new? I love being a mom, a PTO parent, a consultant for Tastefully Simple and every other fun thing in my life...but, I don't care at all for housework!!! I guess the key word is FUN...if I don't perceive it as fun, then I avoid it at all costs.

One of my quests this year is to make my housework FUN (cough-cough). Is that even possible? Can washing dishes bring a smile to my face? How about picking up after the kids' toys and clothes left on the floor? Well, maybe not exactly, but certainly my attitude towards them can improve. And the end result could be true joy that perhaps I've never felt before. I want to prove to myself that I can make housework fun. and maybe at the end of this little experiment, I can teach my children something valuable, too.

Now, the question is how do I start? My husband will tell me, you need to make a list. I hate lists...LOATHE them. Not sure where that came from, but for some reason, when I hear that from him or anyone else for that matter, I cringe. Why???? Lists keep you focused and you can plan your day according to them. Maybe that's my biggest problem. I don't plan my days. I let my days plan my life. I pride myself on being spontaneous, adventurous, unpredictable and fun. Those same qualities, however, get in the way of accomplishing daily tasks.

Sure, Monday was a wash. Not only did it rain and I took a nap in the afternoon, I neglected my responsibilities for the sake of a little bit of rebelious fun. Tomorrow is a new day. I will write down 1-2 tasks that MUST get done and do them. After I do, I can do a happy dance. That would be fun, right?

Monday, March 15, 2010


So, here I am, finally catching up with society and technology and have entered the realm of blogging. I don't consider myself a writer, but I have many ideas that I like to share. I consider myself a professional brainstormer...or an "idea generator" if you will. What better means to have everyone hear my ideas than a public blog?

The purpose of this blog will be to share with you things about Shelton, The Valley area and Beyond, particularly focused on parent/child resources. It will be a collection of my favorite sites, comments about my findings and most likely entries about being a parent.

As a mom of two pre-school children, I'm always looking for that something different to do with them. Though I don't mind spending the money, I am trying to be more creative with spending less and still have fun with my children!

There are many sites out there for CT parents, but what I found lacking was our own community mentioned. It seems that most sites focus on the big cities like Hartford, New Haven and lower Fairfield County. I don't mind taking a trip down to Stamford for that occasional event or activity, but on a daily/weekly basis, I would rather support the local community and do something nearby instead.

My goal is to not only collect the ideas but to share them with you! I welcome your feedback and suggestions (please keep it nice and clean!) and if I like your idea, I will post it as a favorite!

I'm looking forward to seeing how this blog will evolve. Perhaps it will serve parents only in the valley area, or maybe it will be just my own personal venue for speaking my mind, regardless of subject. I do hope I can help at least a handful of parents out there. The least of what I gain from this experience? I can finally organize my thoughts in one place instead of random notes here and there and clogging up my desk and...hhhmm...brain. I think my husband will appreciate that!

So, thanks for reading and keep an eye out for my next post.
